Meet Ashia
The Vision Coach
Ashia C. Simpson is so excited about her recent launch of her Vision Coaching/ Consulting program. Ashia believes that in this season she has a mandate to assist entrepreneurs, ministries among others to assist them with unfolding vision. For years she has assisted with building successful platforms. She believes that "vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others". She walks in honor, integrity and high ranking wisdom while making keen decisions to push people to new levels.
As a Breakthrough Leadership & Coaching Academy Certified Life Coach, Ashia uses her life experiences, marketing, administration and technical background to shift you to a place where vision unfolds.
Sharing your vision with the right person is critical to properly unfolding. She is ready to assist you with going to a new level by Unfolding your vision.
Ashia is a motivational speaker that has the ability to shift the atmosphere. Motivational speaking was something she was ordained to do. Ashia has experienced many downfalls and uprisings that has molded her into the woman she is today. After the loss of her son she realized that every time she told her story it healed a part of her broken heart. She has a story to tell about using the past to heal not only herself but the lives of others suffering from hurt, pain and grief. Facing many challenges she could have crumbled but she chose to keep pushing until she came out on top. If you are looking for a motivational speaker for your women's ministry, grief session, vision planning, training session and much more, Ashia is the speaker that will cause a shift in your Vision.